Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration with PRF

At Skin 101 Medical Spa we also specialize in innovative and effective hair restoration techniques. Our focus on state-of-the-art treatments brings you the latest in hair rejuvenation: Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) therapy. This advanced procedure is designed to naturally stimulate hair growth, offering a promising solution for those experiencing hair thinning or loss.

What is PRF?

Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a breakthrough in regenerative medicine. It involves using your own blood to harness the healing and growth factors in your platelets and fibrin. This concentration of platelets and growth factors, when reintroduced to the scalp, works to promote hair regrowth and improve scalp health.

The PRF Hair Restoration Process

At Skin101 Medical Spa, our PRF hair restoration process is straightforward and minimally invasive. It begins with a simple blood draw, similar to routine blood tests. The blood is then processed to concentrate the platelets and fibrin. This PRF is then carefully injected into the scalp, targeting areas of thinning or hair loss.

Why Choose PRF for Hair Restoration?

  1. Natural and Safe: PRF therapy uses your body’s own cells, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or side effects.
  2. Minimal Downtime: The procedure is quick, with minimal discomfort and no significant downtime.
  3. Effective for Various Hair Loss Types: PRF is effective for many types of hair loss, including pattern baldness and thinning hair.
  4. Enhanced Scalp Health: PRF not only stimulates hair growth but also improves the overall health of the scalp.

Our Approach

We start with a thorough consultation to understand your hair restoration needs and determine if PRF therapy is the right choice for you. Our skilled professionals ensure the procedure is performed with the utmost care and precision, prioritizing your comfort and results.

Before and After Care

Before the Procedure: We advise avoiding certain medications and supplements that can increase bleeding. A detailed pre-treatment plan will be provided during your consultation.

After the Procedure: Post-treatment care is minimal, with instructions on scalp care and any necessary follow-up appointments.

Visit Us for a Consultation

If you’re experiencing hair loss and looking for a natural and effective solution, consider PRF therapy at Skin101 Medical Spa in Houston. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards fuller, healthier hair.

Hair Restoration Special!

PRF growth factor  with microneedling for Hair restoration

  • $625/treatment ( regular price $725)
  • 3 treatments recommended 4-6 weeks apart for best results

Noticeable results can be seen after 1-2 treatments

Results and Expectations

PRF hair restoration results vary from person to person. Noticeable results can be seen after 1-2 treatments.